Wedding tables

MesHô - Easy table plan maker

We are integrating your reception room plan in our website so that your customers can dispatch tables depending on your reception room and existing obstacles.

A solution in 3 easy steps
3 steps to meet a single need: make the table plan at your place
  1. Describe your reception room
    Photos, services, catering, accommodation, ...
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  2. Send us your plan
    An architect's plan or a plan that you will make yourself from your statements.
    Read more
  3. Suggest a table layout
    Offer the best layout for your customers
    Read more
Room description
Describe your reception room
Photos, services, catering, accommodation, ...
  • Add pictures
    Add pictures of the domain, reception room, of the environnement...
  • Services
    Show off your services offers for the reception room
  • Catering
    Indicate your condition for the rent of your reception room. Is catering demanded, is there a corking fee ...
  • Accommodation
    Indicate accommation possibilities on site or around.
Few numbers about us
  • 34 119
    Plans created
  • 6
    Available languages
  • 665
    Registered room owners
Plan creation
Send us your plan
An architect's plan or a plan that you will make yourself from your statements.
  • Do your room plan yourself
    Send us your architect plan ou a self-made plan of your reception room. Most importantly provided dimensions have to be exact to avoid bad surprise at the big day.
  • Room plan digitization
    We will take care of digitize and transform it in order to integrate it into our application
Table plan sample
Suggest a table layout
Offer the best layout for your customers
  • List your tables and chairs
    In just a few clicks, add the furniture that you make available for your customers
  • Arrange the tables according to the plan of your room
    You are the person who knows your reception room best. Propose a table layout as a reference, respecting all the constraints of a room plan (minimum spacing of the tables for a good waiter flow, taking into account obstacles and opening, ...).
  • Suggest seating plans for your clients
    Create table plans that will serve as a reference for your customers. They can directly use them to focus only on placing their guests.
Contact us